Public Projects
Bids Due in 24 days
4/21/25 2:00pm
Interior Painting & Flooring Repairs 193 Congress St #250404
Bids Due in 24 days
Housing Authority for the City of Charleston
193 Congress Street, Charleston, SC
Interior Painting & Flooring Repairs 193 Congress St.
Bids Due in 20 days
4/17/25 3:30pm
Interior Painting & Flooring Repairs 10 St Margaret St #250408
Bids Due in 20 days
Housing Authority for the City of Charleston
10 St Margaret Street, Charleston, SC
Interior Painting & Flooring Repairs 10 St Margaret St
Bids Due in 17 days
4/14/25 2:00pm
10 Engel Street Stairway Repair & Painting #250407
Bids Due in 17 days
Housing Authority for the City of Charleston
10 Engel Street, Charleston SC
Stairway and Painting repairs at 10 Engel Street.
Bids Due in 27 days
4/24/25 2:00pm
DOC Statewide - Add Air Conditioning to 256 Bed Housing Units - Lee CI - #N04-9775-LC-A - REBID
Bids Due in 27 days
RMF Engineering
990 Wisacky Highway, Bishopville, SC 29010
Replace heating and ventilating air handling unit with air handling units and local chiller. New ductwork from units to cells and new piping from chiller to units and campus heating water tap to units. Replacement of roof mounted fans. New building transformer and medium voltage distribution to transformer location. Structural modifications for new attic units. Relocation of fire protection main piping around the attic.
Bids Due in 20 days
4/17/25 3:00pm
HVAC Split Unit Installation at Williams Terrace Senior Housing #250405
Bids Due in 20 days
Housing Authority for the City of Charleston
22 Laurens St, Charleston, SC 29401
Provide services for an HVAC Split Unit to replace the current HVAC units at Williams Terrace Senior Housing.
Bids Due in 19 days
4/16/25 1:30pm
Central Energy Plant Tap Box and Transfer Switch - #PR110235
Bids Due in 19 days
130 Bee Street, Charleston, SC 29403
Upgrades to MUSC Bee Street Central Energy Plant
Bids Due in 18 days
4/15/25 11:00am
GSSM Cooling Tower Replacement #H65-9522-ML
Bids Due in 18 days
RMF Engineering
SC Governor's School for Science & Mathematics, Hartsville, SC
Replace cooling tower and exterior piping
Bids Due in 28 days
4/25/25 10:00am
Campus Elevator Modernization Re-Bid - #H51-N358-ML
Bids Due in 28 days
171 Ashley Avenue Charleston, SC 29425
Modernization of elevators 31, 32, and 114 in Storm Eye Institute and Clinical Science Building Elevators 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 and other Work indicated in the Contract Documents.
Bidding Closed
3/21/25 10:00am
Coward Hall Front of House Refresh – #H09-N188-ML
Bidding Closed
The Citadel
Coward Hall, 10 Hammond Avenue, Charleston, SC 29409
In the main dining hall, replace flooring, repair walls where needed, and paint walls and ceiling soffit. Renovate restrooms at north entrance, including associated mechanical, plumbing and electrical work.
Bidding Closed
3/14/25 2:00pm
RFQ/P for CM@R Services: Expansion & Renovation of the ED at MUSC Health Columbia DT Hospital
Bidding Closed
Columbia, South Carolina
MUHA is Requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) and a fee proposal from Construction Mangers for the in situ Expansion and Renovation of the Emergency Department at the MUSC Health Columbia Downtown Hospital in Columbia, SC